I really thought it would work, and possibly even save a lot of time and money over what we had been expending on similar projects in the past. 我以为这种方法会奏效,甚至相比我们之前在类似项目上的投入,我认为这种方法可以节省大量时间和资金。
In the winter, you might also try adding some humidity with a humidifier or even bunching a lot of plants together in the room in which you spend the most time. 冬天,在你长时间待的房间,尝试使用加湿器,或者堆放大量的植物。
And if you left this job, even if for a lot higher salary you would still miss it. 而当你离开这份工作时,及时你面对着高得多的薪水还是会想念它的。
I use the military principles even today in a lot of my management systems, processes and policy procedures, he says of his disciplined approach. 在谈到他严格纪律化的生活方式时,朱伯特说:即便是在如今,我依然在我的许多管理体制、流程和政策程序中运用军事原则。
Visitor A: No, no I wouldn't.I would definitely go because London's an exciting city, and even with a lot of tourists around. 游客甲:不,我不会。我绝对还会去,因为伦敦是一个及其刺激的城市,即便人潮汹涌也如此。
Even though a lot of advances are made in the therapy of malignant tumors, it is difficult to eliminate the minimal residual disease by chemotherapy, radiotherapy and operation. 恶性肿瘤的治疗已有很多进展,但微小残留病灶仍难以被现行的化疗、放疗、手术等方案彻底清除。
It is a significant problem of mining area subsidence resulting from underground coal mine mining, which resulted in soil resources destruction, even a lot of waterlogging in the high water level. 因地下煤炭开采导致的矿区塌陷是目前矿区的主要问题之一,这些塌陷造成土地资源破坏,在高水位甚至出现积水。
Sports superstars even have a lot of social impact! 体育明星还制造了很多社会效应呢!
It's still your body after you lose& some molecules, even a lot of molecules. 即使你失去了某些分子-,甚至很多分子,还是你原来的肉体。
In fact, some of the time, maybe even a lot of the time, he treats you as if you were someone he truly dislikes. 实际上,有时候,也许甚至许多死后,他待你象他真正不喜欢的一个人。
If something or even somebody has a lot of interesting features and history, you can use character/ character. 如果某地或者某人有很多有趣的特点和历史,你可以用character/特色。
Even lot quantities established by futures exchanges as benchmarks for quoting commodity prices. 期货交易所设定的商品报价基准数量。
Sometimes we need a little reminder that it was all worthwhile even without a lot of thanks. 有时我们需要提醒自己,即使没有殷殷谢意,也要坚信我们的付出绝对所值。
Even though a lot of people there had made their living that way before, they knew that their magistrate was a kind man, so they didn't complain at all. 尽管那个地方以前有很多人就是这样谋生的,但是他们都知道他们的县官是一个很仁慈的人,所以他们都毫无怨言。
Or maybe even quite a lot of personal experience – because for a large part of my adult life I was actually not employed, as such. 或者可以说是很丰富的个人体验–因为在我成年后的大多数时间里,我也处于失业的状态。
True friends, even though lot of work, very little in return does not meet the red and red; 真正的朋友,即使付出多,回报少,也不会面红而赤;
Did you ever stand up for something you thought was right even though a lot of people got upset with you? If not, do you think you would ever be strong enough to do so? 你有没有过不顾别人对你生气而为自己认为正确的事拍案而起?要是没有过的话,你认为自己是不是有足够的勇气去做呢?
Don't underestimate the time it'll take you to master them, even though a lot will seem familiar out of the box. 当你拿到这些新相机时,虽然感觉很熟悉,但对于确实掌握新相机的功能,不要低估你所需要花费的时间。
ISI quoted passage index is the most famous search tool of the world, get the extensive concern, a lot of famous universities and organization, and even a lot of countries regard it as one kink strategy investment. ISI引文索引是世界最著名的检索工具,得到世界用户的广泛关注,许多著名大学、机构乃至许多国家都把它作为一种战略性投资。
Under the condition of multiple users, the bandwidth can be adjusted, the bandwidth occupied by the users can be balanced and even if a lot of users would increase the transmission rate simultaneously, the network will not become appreciably congested. 该算法能对多用户情况下各用户占有的带宽进行调整,平衡各用户占有的带宽,也使得即使有大量用户同时增加带宽,网络也不会明显产生拥塞。
As the first professional illumination engineering company in the northeast area, this company even achieved quite lot auras which were admired by other companies in this industry. 作为东北地区首家专业照明工程公司,公司曾经拥有许多令业内其他公司羡慕的光环。
However, the severe employment situation is now inducing so many students feel confused when faced the problem. Furthermore, some students, who are influenced by the unhealthy environment of the society, even created a lot of thinking bias about the employment. 然而如今严峻的就业形势使不少大学生面对就业时感到困惑重重、无所适从,有的大学生受社会不良风气的影响,对就业问题产生很多思想偏差。
After disclosing their financial reports, listed companies release temporary supplementary and correcting announcements continually, which have a wide range and severe effect on companies 'value and even involve a lot of core indexes of financial reports. 上市公司在财务报告披露后,频频发布临时性补充更正公告,其涉及范围较广、较严重地损害公司价值,甚至涉及财务报告的核心指标。
This measure plays a significant role in remedying the illegal state aid, even with a lot of problems in practice. 这一措施在实现对非法援助的补救上具有十分重要的意义,但援助恢复在实践中却存在诸多问题。
When the current increased to a certain degree and provided enough sintering time, a lot of carbon dissolved to iron and spread more even, a lot of pearlite appeared in the surface and internal of the iron powder particles. 如果电流增大到一定程度,并且提供足够的烧结时间,石墨大量溶解到铁基体中并且扩散得较均匀,在铁粉颗粒的表面和内部都会出现大量的珠光体。
Data sharing has benefit our country or enterprises or even individual a lot so far, but privacy disclosure problems following are so serious that could not be ignored. 数据共享已经给国家和企业以及个人带来了很乐观的效益,但随之而来的隐私泄露问题也是不容忽视的。
Besides, the explosion-like network information will increase the psychological burden of the adolescents and even cause a lot of psychological barriers, such as the "information pollution syndrome". 此外,爆炸般的网络信息会加大青少年的心理负担和压力,引发信息污染综合症等心理障碍。
Thus the increasing trend of income gap between urban and rural residents is not mitigated because of new rural construction, even a lot of social problems appeared, such as abandoned farmlands, rear children, and empty nest elderly. 由此导致新农村建设并未缓和城乡居民的收入水平逐步加大的趋势,甚至农村社会中土地抛荒、留守子女、空巢老人等社会问题不断凸显。
However, because of lack of core competitiveness, some private medical institutions operated hardly and even appeared a lot of phenomena against law, which badly impacted their reputation. 但是也有部分民营医疗机构缺乏核心竞争能力,出现运营困难甚至违法执业现象,给整个民营医疗机构的声誉带来了影响。
However, now in the National Games eight list on players rarely seen in Jilin Province, and even a lot of items are not athletes participate in the competition. 然而,如今在全国运动会前八名名单上很少见到吉林省选手,甚至还有很多项目都没有运动员参加比赛。